Year To Date Status

The Year To Date Status screen is basically your Year To Date Health Check as it is a running Year To Date total. You may use this screen after each Payrun is closed to detect any warnings and errors. This allows you to easily identify and fix employer or employee warnings and errors, and reconcile Year To Date values based on the Environment you are in. Errors can be fixed throughout the year to ensure that the details are reviewed and the data is clean at Year End Finalisation.

The Year to Date Status screen facilitates the:

  • Review of Balancing issues with Employee Records
  • Review of Employee Records Not Processed, Completely Ignored, Partially Processed and Fully Processed
  • Review of Employee Files and lists any errors through YTD Integrity Report
  • Review of Employer Information errors detected through the Employer Information Error Report
  • Review of Employee Information errors detected through the Payment Summary Error Report for All Payment Summary Types
  • Review of breakdown for Payment Summary Types


  • There is no prerequisite in using this screen.

Rules and Guidelines

  • This screen displays information based on the Payrun Environment. This can show you the YTD analysis per Payrun Group (Environment) or all Payrun Groups (Blank Environment), and allows you to run and review results in any of the Environment you have security access to view.
    • If you are in a specific Environment, then the data displayed is only for that particular Environment.
    • If you are in a Blank Environment, then you will see the data for ALL Environments.
  • This screen is composed of collapsible containers with warnings or errors grouped by: Overall Summary, Balancing, Reconciliation, Year End Finalisation, and Reportable Employee Information. You can collapse and expand containers/sections as you work through them. As you expand a container, you may find the issue for a specific area. This screen efficiently helps and directs you on how you can resolve it.
  • Every container displays the errors and warnings found on the respective screen, represented by the following icons, together with messages helping you understand the issue or status: 
  • To solve the issue displayed on a container, you may click the eye icon . This directs and jumps you to the actual screen with filtered search results for easy correction.

    Note that Security Profile restrictions are applied when the eye icon is clicked. Access Profiles restrictions are also applied. If you do not have access to a screen that is included in the container, then eye icon will not appear.

  • Once you have been directed to the actual Preceda window via the eye icon, a link back to this screen is available for your use. Clicking Year To Date Status button at the top-right corner of the window (see image below) directs you back to Year To Date Status. Note that this feature only appears if you have come from the YTD Health Check screen.

  • Click the Update Now button on the to instantly view your new progress.

Field Information